
A good place to start? Look no further than oneself.


At Reemtsma, we firmly believe that society as, a whole, simply must become more sustainable. As a responsible manufacturer of what are deemed "fast-moving" consumer goods, as an employer for roundabout 1,700 employees in Germany and as the second most important national company of Imperial Brands, we mean above all is: ourselves.
On a global scale, the UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 and the Paris Agreement of 2015, with its aim of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees, establish definitive and obligatory objectives for the international community to progress towards a more sustainable future. Fulfilling these targets necessitates a concerted effort among a wide array of stakeholders, encompassing both political and commercial spheres. It is for this reason that our company cannot, and will not, turn a blind eye to these issues.

As a central part of Imperial Brands, all sustainability measures by and at Reemtsma are guided by a clear objective: CO2 neutrality by 2040 at the latest, across all areas of our global business activities. Yes, this path is challenging. But there is simply no alternative. As a group, we are therefore moving forward unswervingly, with concrete measures, clear interim targets and publicly verifiable progress, year after year.

You can find out where we currently stand and what we have already achieved in the Imperial Brands ESG Performance Summary 2023.

Our approach

We understand sustainability holistically and keep sight on the ecological, economic, social and health dimensions of our actions.

As a manu­fac­tu­rer, a dri­ving force in rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment, and a con­su­mer of natu­ral resour­ces, we regard it as our duty to play a part in crea­ting a more sus­tainable world – even excee­ding the demands of regu­la­ti­on. This invol­ves, first­ly, enhan­cing our eco­lo­gi­cal impact across our world­wi­de sup­p­ly chains and pro­duc­tion, par­ti­cu­lar­ly at the Reemts­ma plant in Lan­gen­ha­gen. Second­ly, it ent­ails main­tai­ning respon­si­ble and soci­al­ly-con­scious rela­ti­onships with our employees, cus­to­mers, part­ners, and suppliers.

Our business and our successes must be guided by a firm moral compass of values and sustainability.

This plan requi­res us to act respon­si­bly, con­duc­ting our busi­ness with utmost con­side­ra­ti­on for the envi­ron­ment, other peo­p­le, our adult con­su­mers, and the seg­ments of socie­ty direct­ly impac­ted by our ope­ra­ti­ons. This also invol­ves con­ti­nuous­ly ques­tio­ning and impro­ving our­sel­ves. Of cour­se, the­re is still poten­ti­al to be tap­ped ever­y­whe­re – and that includes us, naturally.

Sustainability is a central strategic guideline for our joint entrepreneurial activities.

We have lear­nt from the past and are pro­gres­sing towards beco­ming a part of the solu­ti­on. We are com­men­cing with diver­se mea­su­res local­ly, at our sites and pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties, as well as in our pro­duct design. In doing so, we adhe­re to the world­wi­de sus­taina­bi­li­ty stra­tegy of our parent com­pa­ny, Impe­ri­al Brands, and proac­tively con­tri­bu­te towards accom­pli­shing our group’s shared sus­taina­bi­li­ty objec­ti­ves in terms of tan­gi­bly les­sening our envi­ron­men­tal impact.