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Whist­le­b­lo­wing & Pro­tec­tion of Whistleblowers


For openness and trust


We expect all our employees and business partners to conduct themselves with integrity at all times and in all places and to follow the standards described in our Code of Conduct. We want to promote a culture of openness and therefore strongly encourage people to raise any concerns or specific suspicions that a breach of our Code of Conduct or applicable laws has taken place - even if these concerns ultimately turn out to be false. Below is all information relevant to whistleblowing and whistleblower protection at Reemtsma and Imperial Brands.


Code of Conduct


Our Code of Conduct stipulates that concerns regarding possible violations of laws or our principles should be reported internally. This is the only way we as a company can identify possible undesirable developments and actively counteract them at an early stage. In principle, such reports can be made to:

  • Superiors
  • Human Resources
  • Governance teams
  • Legal departments (local or Group Legal)
  • Company Secretary


Internal reporting office ("Speaking Up")


In addition, our parent company Imperial Brands maintains a "Speaking Up" service, a central opportunity to provide information to the company and subsequently remain in contact with the reporting office - anonymously if desired. This reporting office is located in the "Legal Governance" department at Group Legal of Imperial Brands and serves as an internal reporting office in accordance with Section 12 of the Whistleblower Protection Act (Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz) throughout our group of companies. It will process incoming information, forward it to the responsible departments for remedial action and - if necessary - coordinate further measures.

All further information on Imperial Brands' "Speaking Up" service, available internal reporting channels as well as country-specific contact details of the reporting office can be found here.


External reporting offices


According to Section 7 (1) of the Whistleblower Protection Act (Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz), a report should primarily be made to the internal reporting office if internal action can be taken against the reported violation and the person making the report does not fear reprisals. In addition, it is also possible to submit reports to the external reporting offices of the Federation and the Länder as well as to the other offices listed in sections 21-23 of the Whistleblower Protection Act.


Related links

Whistleblower Protection Act (Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz – HinSchG)
Contact details of the Confederation's external reporting office at the Federal Office of Justice